2009 Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Request Lists Are Open!
In order to accomodate as many clients as possible during the busy holiday season, we have a special reservation procedure specifically for these time periods.
We will be happy to take your holiday REQUESTS from now until September 15. Please understand these are requests and NOT confirmed reservations.
On September 15, we will go through out REQUEST list and fill all our rooms for Thanksgiving, Christmas/Winter Holidays and New Year’s. We give priority to existing clients who stay with us often throughout the yera and requests that meet or exceed our 5 night minimum for Thanksgiving & New Year’s or our 7 night minimum for Christmas/Winter Holidays.
Deposit letters are sent out in the mail for those clients who receive rooms. Client have until October 15 or November 15 to send us their deposit in order to sercure the room for Thanksgiving and Christmas/Winter Holidays respectively. Any rooms that are not secured with deposits by those deadlines will be released and refilled from the request list.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to contact clients with requests that have not received a room, as we often have several hundred requests for only 60 available rooms.
Please also keep in mind that our peak season pricing is in effect from:
Monday, November 23 – 30, 2009 for Thanksgiving period
Monday, December 21, 2009 – January 4, 2010 for Xmas/New Year’s
This is an additional $10 per night per room.