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Citizen Canine: Eligibility

Eligibility to Participate at Citizen Canine

When you are looking for a great place for one or more of your family pets to stay for a day of fun activities or overnight in a boarding situation, we are located in an easy to find area of Oakland, Calif. We have activities that provide mental and physical workouts for dogs while also training animals more appropriate behavior. A dog can learn basic skills such as rolling over and twirling or learn advanced tricks that include body part targeting or waving hello. For dogs that need to learn better manners, owners can choose to enroll a pet in puppy prep school or bowwow boot camp. At Citizen Canine we love caring for your dogs on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, but our facility does have eligibility guidelines.

One: Health

We only accept animals that are continent and able to walk without assistance.

Two: Vaccinations

Because our boarding and day care facility must meet health guidelines required by the state of California, please follow these rules:

• Bordetella vaccination – annually at least seven days before arrival
• Rabies – for animals at least six months old
• DHLPP – minimum of two rounds of treatments for several contagious diseases

Our facility requires written proof from a veterinarian concerning these vaccinations.

Three: Neutered/Spayed

Both female and male dogs over seven months require neutering or spaying to participate in any of our services.

Four: Age

Dogs entering our facility for day care or overnight boarding services need to be at least 16 weeks old.

Five: Behavior

Our facility only accepts dogs that are socialized with people and other animals.

Six: Evaluation

Before a dog is enrolled in any of our programs, we provide a guided tour and explain our services. A trained behavior evaluator also checks your animal’s medical history along with its social skills with other dogs participating in our programs.