Dogs In SFO? Therapy Dogs Will Now Be Easing Travelers Stress
At, we understand the relationship between people and their dogs is important. As a service that provides dog care in San Francisco, we know how easy it is to love your dogs and because they give so much unconditional love, they are the perfect pet to have an actual job making people smile. Complete strangers benefit from the warmth and affection they get from a friendly dog.
Dogs definitely have a calming influence on the humans around them and because of it, San Francisco International Airport (SFO) in cooperation with the SF SPCA is following suit behind LAX with their new “Wag Brigade.” Trained therapy dogs visit individually with folks around the terminal providing friendly stress relief to frustrated passengers as they navigate in and out of airport security and deal with flight delays this holiday season.
Medical science understands that connections between dogs and people cause positive physical and mental health effects. Dogs came to be known by the title of “man’s best friend” for very good reason. Medical centers around the world realize the natural therapeutic benefits that sweet, people-friendly dogs have on some of their patients’ abilities to cope and even find improved health. In fact, studies about the effects of pets on patients at the Mayo Clinic led to that facility starting the “Caring Canines” program.
The staff at Citizen Canine, salutes the concept of therapy dogs on patrol in and around SFO. It makes complete sense. We have the best human job imaginable spending our workday providing dog care and hotel accommodations for our canine friends in San Francisco, and so we know the service these SPCA trained dogs can deliver to weary, agitated, holiday travelers and of course, they create great entertainment for bored children. Watch for “The Wag Brigade” at SFO and eventually more airports will give dog therapy a chance to help.