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Enjoy San Francisco’s Dog Friendly Hiking Trails!

San Francisco boasts wonderful weather and beautiful terrain. Walking your dog in San Francisco can be a treat for both body and spirit. Here are a few ideas for making the most of your strolls with your canine companion.

Fort Mason is dog friendly and offers a great scenic route for “responsible dog owners”. Naturally, you want to respect other trail users by picking up after your dog. Watch for sensitive natural areas and keep your dog leashed when required.

If you want to walk your dog on The Embarcadero (dog-friendly if your pet is on a leash), please keep in mind that even moderate weather may become uncomfortably warm for you dog. Savvy dog owners try to walk their dogs either early in the morning or evening, even when temperature seem comfortably cool. For your dog’s safety and comfort, bring plenty of fresh water and a water bowl for longer walks. Also keep in mind that asphalt surfaces can become hot and may burn your dog’s paws. Booties can help protect your dog.

You can also consider signing your dog up for one of our Adventure Dog Hikes at Citizen Canine. Your dog will thank you for being able to expend all their energy while you are out and about. They can also benefit from our expert staff’s guidance while learning how to walk off-leash.

Whether you choose an Adventure Dog Hike or walking your dog in San Francisco on your own, keep dog behavior and dog-walking etiquette in mind. Many dogs don’t enjoy meeting strange dogs. They may become stressed or fearful. Don’t force your dog to meet others. If your dog reacts to other dogs when on leash, this is a sign that he is very uncomfortable. A few tasty treats can also help get your dog through these situations. Keep your stressed dog away from others and distract him with the special treats you brought. Over time, he’ll start to associate seeing other dogs with getting treats, and he’ll start looking forward to earning treats for good behavior.